I Street Bridge Deck Conversion for Active Transportation Project

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The existing I Street Bridge, along with connections/ramps that extend onto the levee, Riverwalk, and the Sacramento River Bike Trail.


Preliminary Engineering/Design


The I Street Bridge Deck Conversion for Active Transportation Project proposes to make the current I Street Bridge safe and accessible for bicycle and pedestrian use. It will do this by construction new ADA compliant ramps that will connect to a portion of City of West Sacramento and City of Sacramento approach structure at each end of the existing I Street Bridge.  This will allow the raised platforms which span over the active railroad tracks to be preserved and to be attached to new pedestrian ramps. As for the proposed deck conversion project, a portion of each approach ramp structure at each end of the existing I Street Bridge would be retained to accommodate access points for pedestrians and bicyclists. The current roadway approach ramps to the I Street Bridge from I Street and Jibboom Street in Sacramento will be removed.  Approach options were previously developed in March 2019 I Street Bridge Deck Conversion Feasibility Study.  The Cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento selected their preferred alternatives from the Feasibility Study after an extensive public engagement processed and with stakeholder input. Both cities selected curving ramp alignment option that include loops on the north side of the existing bridge. Additionally, a public outreach event was held as part of the Lantern Festival on March 23, 2019.  The ramp alignment alternatives were selected based upon feedback from the steering committee the public input at the Lantern Festival.

Description or Scope:

The project will maintain and improve active transportation use on the upper deck of the existing I Street Bridge once vehicle traffic is removed as a part of the new C Street Bridge Project.  Access to the elevated structure will be via a combination of ADA compliant ramps, stairways and possible elevators on both sides of the Sacramento River.  Depending on funding availability, Project improvements may be phased. The initial phase would provide ADA access on both sides of the river and would likely consist of one set of ADA ramp at each end of the bridge.

Project Objectives Include:

Maintain access to, and change the use of, the upper deck of the existing I Street Bridge for only active transportation modes of travel (I.e., bicycle and pedestrian use).

Create new access points for active transportation modes in both West Sacramento and Sacramento that allow use of the upper deck of the existing I Street Bridge as a river crossing.

Provide an opportunity to better serve bicycle traffic between West Sacramento’s Washington District and Downtown Sacramento.

Maintain vehicular access to upper deck for maintenance access for fuel delivery and equipment replacement associated with the existing movable bridge.  Allow emergency vehicle access.

Project Benefits:

The project is needed to maintain the important pedestrian link the I Street Bridge provides between the historic districts of Sacramento and West Sacramento, and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) and the Ziggurat building in West Sacramento, and the Sacramento Valley Station, Old Sacramento, and Railroad Museum in Sacramento. The project also is needed to better serve bicycle traffic between the Washington District of West Sacramento and Downtown Sacramento.


Anticipated construction schedule will be developed upon completion of Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E)--final design phase—along with construction procurement contract approval. Right of Way planned completion is estimated June 2026.

Estimated Cost(s):

Design - $3,494,000

Right of Way - $915,000

Construction - $18,153,000



            Local - $690,000

            State - $375,000

            Federal (CMAQ) - $2,429,000

Right of Way:

            Local - $105,000

            Federal (CMAQ) - $810,000


            Local - $1,062,000

            State (ATP) - $16,029,000


Feasibility Study – WSP

Environmental - ICM

Designer – TBD

Resident Engineer – TBD

Contractor –TBD

Additional Resources:


Project Report for Converting the I Street Bridge to Active Transportation Use


David Wong:




How long will construction take?
Why is a pedestrian/bicycle bridge needed?



Plan View of I Street Bridge Deck Conversion Project
Rendering of I St Viaduct Above Grade Gathering Space and Removed Jibboom St Viaduct 1
Rendering of I St Viaduct Above Grade Gathering Space and Removed Jibboom St Viaduct 2
PNG of Existing I Street Bridge2
PNG of Existing I Street Bridge3
PNG of Existing I Street Bridge4
Diagram Displaying Front View of New I Street Bridge 1
Diagram Displaying Front View of New I Street Bridge 2
Diagram Displaying Front View of New I Street Bridge 3


Depending on funding availability, construction of the project may be phased.  Construction phasing will ensure pedestrian, maintenance and emergency response vehicle access is maintained to the upper deck of the existing I Street Bridge throughout each phase. There are four possible construction phases.

Construction of at least the first phase of the project would be concurrent with construction of the I Street Bridge Replacement Project. The second phase could be constructed prior to completion of phase one. Phases three and four add additional connectivity through the construction of a southwest ramp and if funding is not available to construct all proposed ramps at once, construction of the second phase would occur when funding becomes available.


Last Edited 7/27/2023

Project Documents